1·You only need to define the component element in your composite file.
2·Listing 21 shows the three lines added under the component element, LoginServiceComponent.
3·If a data value can be decomposed into component parts, we call each part a component element.
4·The component element can have zero or more consumer elements as children, which are used to configure the consumers of the component.
5·The component element can also have zero or more producer elements as children which are used to configure the producers of the component.
6·Conclusion at present health education and management of asthma is still weak. It is an important component element to raise asthma control rate.
7·In this article, the interactive environment is analyzed. The component element of the interactive information service organization is discussed.
8·Subject specialty is a basic component element of a college; specialized subject construction is also the fundamental one in colleges'development.
9·The status crime is the one whose component element is the person with special status, or the special status effect the discretion of the penalty.
10·Created sca components are added to the sca.module file using the component element, which has a name attribute, and specifies the name of the component.
将使用component元素将所创建的sca组件添加到sca . module文件,该元素具有一个name属性,指定组件的名称。